‘Mo’ (2022)
Created by Mo Amer with Ramy Youssef, the comedy follows a refugee named Mo Najjar as he adjusts to life in Texas while seeking citizenship in the United States as he balances his relationships, tries to master English AND Spanish, conquer the stress of his legal status, his immigration lawyer, and the life he’s leaving behind. The final season will be premiering on Netflix this year, so catch up before it wraps up!
Started & starring stand-up comedian Gianmarco Soresi, who has exploded in popularity due to his brilliant ability to engage wit his audience. Accompanied by Russel Daniels, they maintain great chemistry and their range of guests make each episode feel like sitting with a new friend group, even while discussing heavy subject matter. A refreshing reality check in every episode.
‘White Stag Education’
Cute and charming at first glance, this handcrafted series is not as it seems. Set deep in the Pine Barrens, this VHS-style series is a part of an emerging genre: ‘analog horror’. The second episode features host “Ranger Luke” helping his puppet pals camp safely despite encountering weather, wildlife, and… Strangers. If you need another reason to fear the woods, check them out on YouTube… and please stay on the marked trails.
‘It’s Lit!’
It’s Lit! is a PBS series about literature that was hosted by Lindsay Ellis (bestselling author) and Princess Weekes (editor & essayist). They promot discussions about literature and what makes it so much fun; covering from sci-fi to history, discussing topics ranging from ethics to whether or not it’s actually fair to judge a book by its cover. Great for your middle-grade bookworms who are eager to be immersed in the literary world.