Submitting press releases/announcements
Press releases and other announcements can be submitted directly through this site by using the “Submit News” link in the navigation menu at top for press releases. You may also drop them off or mail them to us at 13 Broad Street, Manasquan, NJ 08736.
Press releases will only be considered for publication if the subject matter or the person involved is from our coverage area. Out of area releases will not be considered for publication.
Events from commercial businesses that require participants to pay a fee will not be published. Please contact a sales representative for advertising information regarding a for-profit business event.
Events for non-profit organizations that require a small registration or other fee will be considered for publication. Also, events that charge an entrance or ticket fee which will be used in large part for the described fund-raising efforts will also be considered for publication.
Please note: We do not run press releases that announce what colleges a high school graduate has been accepted to or will be attending.
Press releases should have all of the pertinent information included, as well as a contact person and phone number should there be additional questions.
Please submit your press release up to four weeks prior to the event, this will allow the release to have the possibility of running more than once prior to the event.
Do not rely on this newspaper alone to publicize your event. Due to space limitations, we cannot guarantee that any press release will run, although we certainly do try to get all releases in.
Submitting photographs
We accept full color photographs for consideration. Pictures mailed in should be clearly identified. Photographs are non-returnable and become the property of Star News Group.
Pictures that are out of focus or contain a large amount of people will not be published, no exceptions. Also, we cannot use color or black and white photographs that have been printed from a computer. However, as stated earlier, we can use a digital image if it is e-mailed to us in JPEG format.
A photo tip: Get as close as you can to the subjects in the picture, and remember to fill the frame with faces. For example, if you are taking a photograph of children on a stage performing in a play, do not try to include a huge backdrop behind them. Close in on their faces, the pieces of the backdrop that will appear in the photo will give the photo the feel of where it was taken. There is no need to include the entire background in a photograph as this makes the faces of your subjects smaller and less visible in the paper. Remember, these photographs are being printed in the newspaper in black and white, and will not be as clear as the photograph itself.